
Find your MOJO back


About 8 years ago I was a different person. I was energetic and confident. I don’t know what happened but nowadays I feel miserable.” Alok (name changed) was speaking with me during our coaching conversation. He is a mid-level manager working in a global company.

He continued, “It’s important for me to grow in my career but I feel stagnated. I get started with job search & applications with enthusiasm but after a few days, I just give up. Also, I am afraid of appearing for interviews.” He paused and looked at me.

I asked, “What has changed for you in 8 years?

Now I am afraid of failing. I applied for a couple of internal job positions, but I was rejected. My application for migrating to another country did not go through. So, I am always worried that people look at me as a failure.

I asked him, “Who is saying that you are a failure?

Alok seemed surprised with the question; after a moment he responded, “Nobody is saying that except me. Oh, I have been saying this to myself for a few years now.

And what about that Alok 8 years back?

“Ah, he never worried about failure. He was confident of achieving anything. Hmmm…I am realizing something…”

He looked engrossed in his thoughts for a few moments and then he had a big laugh.

#leadershipcoaching #careercoaching

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