
Career Growth Success Story

4 promotions in 2 weeks!

4 of my coaching clients at senior levels got promoted in the last 2 weeks. The promotions they had been waiting for years…

Keshav (name changed) got promoted to the senior role despite intense competition. This was a big deal for him; he had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He knew that he had the talent but something was missing.

Keshav is a senior professional with more than 15 years of experience in reputed MNCs. Given his experience and performance, he was expecting a promotion but was not getting it. He was feeling stagnated leading to frustration. The impact was that he was not feeling enthusiastic and had almost given up on his upskilling and networking also.

When we started the coaching journey, we first identified the Goals clearly and charted out a plan for the next few months. Then we identified the challenges Keshav was facing.

The challenges were of two kinds:
1)     Internal challenges – Keshav had developed certain self-limiting beliefs due to past experiences. Despite his talent, he was not expressing himself completely. He was working in a silo and did not develop a network of friends and peers. There was also a sense of feeling left behind that was nagging him. We worked on these challenges one conversation at a time and complemented by exercises that helped him tackle these challenges powerfully.
2)     External challenges – Keshav was unhappy and uncomfortable with one of his reporting managers and felt that the manager was ignoring him deliberately. That pulled him down every day, he felt demotivated and drained his energy. We worked on this challenge and Keshav was able to take charge of his thoughts, emotions and actions irrespective of what his manager did or did not do. He started feeling confident and his actions reflected that.

Closer to his promotion interview, Keshav brought up one more challenge that he was facing. He was confident about the presentation but was worried about the Q&A part. He was worried about what the interviewers would ask and would he be able to answer the questions on the spot. We had a conversation to explore his fear and he realized that it was his own imagination. That realization broke him free of the fear.

After the interview, Keshav told me that the interview went really well, and he received feedback from one of the interview panelists that he handled the Q&A session extremely well.

Of course, Keshav achieved the goal of getting the promotion but the biggest achievement for him was, that he became clear-headed, more confident, capable of handling challenges, and READY for the future.

#careergrowth #careerdevelopment #careercoaching #careercoach #careersuccess #careerprogression

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