
What does it mean to be a Professional?

Currently, painting work is going on at my home.

Datta and Rajesh have been working on this for the last few days.

On the 1st day we had many questions for them, they listened patiently and responded appropriately.

They also helped us pack and move things.

They both arrive at 10 am every day and start work promptly.

I observed that before they start their work, they discuss and plan their work.

They are good at their craft.

They communicate with the agency owner and ensure that they keep us informed.

They take their rest break during the afternoon hours.

They don’t waste time, complete their planned work and leave by around 5:30 or 6 pm daily.

In my view, it’s a great example of professionalism.

It shows that Professionalism does not depend on educational qualifications, role, type of work, age, company, or industry.

It’s an attitude. It’s a behaviour one can cultivate.

Datta and Rajesh are #everydayheroes who usually don’t get the deserved attention and acknowledgment.

Can we take a few minutes today and acknowledge #everydayheroes around us who support us and make our life easier?

Would love to hear your thoughts and comments.


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