
How to develop your professional Personal brand?

What comes to your mind when someone says Amul, TATA, Cadbury, BMW?

These are well-known brands and communicate clearly what they stand for.

In today’s competitive professional world, it’s important for professionals to create strong personal branding.

Professional branding is the process of creating a clear identity, a “mark” around who you are, what you stand for, and what products/services you offer.

People should be able to quickly recall you and your brand when they look for someone with your particular skills and expertise.

How to create your personal brand?

It is by expressing and communicating your skills, personality, and values—in person and online.
It is about demonstrating through your work what Value you create for your customers.

Today I am going to share with you the 9 dimensions of Personal branding that I use while working with my clients on creating their powerful & authentic Personal branding:

1. Identify your Strengths (scientifically)
2. Articulate your Achievements to determine your Success Factors
3. Identify your most valuable Skills
4. Identify your interests and passion
5. Articulate your Values
6. Articulate your WHY/Purpose
7. Identify specific Roles & Activities where you create massive Value
8. Develop a plan to communicate your Branding to the right audience
9. Use offline and online platforms for spreading the message

Each of the dimensions above needs deep thinking, reflection and brainstorming. I call this an Inside-Out methodology for creating your USP.

A strong personal brand undoubtedly leads to new opportunities in your career.

Are you ready to work on your powerful Personal branding?

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