
How to develop Career Clarity in 10 minutes?

If you are confused about your career direction, then this exercise can surely help you.

Today I am going to share with you a simple yet powerful exercise that I use with my clients. All of them found it super useful.

Sit down in a quiet place with no distractions.

Have a pen & paper handy. Or work with an excel sheet on your device.

Visualize where you want to be in your career in the next 1 or 2 years, without worrying about “how will I get there?”

Create a big and bold heading for the exercise – ’s Career Vision 2023/2024

Create 3 columns as below:

Must-Have elements – Write down the elements that are super important and non-negotiable for you.

Nice to Have elements – Write down the elements that are important, but you are a bit more flexible on these.

Don’t want to Have elements – Write down the elements that you don’t want in your future career.

Here is a list of commonly used elements, feel free to add your own.

Job role, Title, Designation, Job function, Work content, Decision-making power / Authority / Empowerment, Work environment, Salary, Benefits/perks, Commute time, Recognition / Awards, Mentoring at work, Your own venture, working at a Start-up, Medium scale enterprise, Large company, National / Global Brand, Location, Team size, Organization culture, Work life balance, Flexibility of working hours, Work from home option, business travel, Learning opportunities, What kind of boss you want, Monthly targets, etc.

Please be more specific about your needs and wants while you are writing them down.

Do this exercise and let me know how it worked for you.

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