
Price & Value | How they are different?

Do you ask for a discount from your doctor? A doctor uses his expertise to help you recover from an illness and have good health.

Do you ask for a discount from your lawyer? A lawyer uses his expertise to advise you on a legal matter so that you can do the right thing.

Do you ask for a discount from your CA? A Chartered Account uses his expertise to help you keep your finances & compliances in order.

I wonder why people ask for a discount from a Coach!!

Clients come to a coach with their most important goals, challenges to overcome and the results they want to achieve. A coach uses his expertise to help them achieve all of this and more.

In my experience as a Coach as well as the client, coaching always over-delivers. You not only get what you WANT but you also get what you NEED.

Then why ask for a discount? What is the VALUE of gaining all of this with help of a coach?

Like the popular credit card ad goes – “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else there’s Mastercard.”

Ask yourself – can money alone buy you all of the things you want to achieve?

I realized that PRICE and VALUE are two different things. Sometimes, we get caught up with the price and lose sight of value.

What are your thoughts on this?

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