
Do you really need a Career Coach?

Recently I was talking to a senior IT professional, let’s call her M, who approached me for career coaching.

After exchanging greetings and introductions, I asked M, “what prompted you to contact me?”

She said, “I have done fairly well in my career so far but now I am feeling stagnated. I am not enjoying the role I am playing and am not sure about the next steps. But I know that I have the potential to scale new heights. So, I thought of looking for a professional career coach.
When I have some health issues I go to a doctor. When I need financial advice, I go to my financial planner. So, while I am confused about my career direction, I thought of contacting a professional coach like you.”

I recalled my own journey of career transition many years ago. While I wanted to transition my career, I was confused and scared. I worked with a professional coach, and it helped me immensely.

I am happy to see awareness about personal coaching growing. In fact, in the last few years, I am observing more & more high performers seeking professional coaching to take their game to the next level.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

#careercoaching #personalcoach #careerclarity #careergrowth #careertransition #leadershipcoaching

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