
How do you handle a conflict?


Asha is a senior professional working with a global firm. In one of our recent coaching conversations, she said, “I am really frustrated with the constant fight between the two of my team members. One is a little senior to the other one and both have their own styles. It’s been almost two years but their spats have not stopped.” And then she added more details.

After she paused, I asked, “What is your relationship with conflict?

Asha seemed surprised with my question, then she thought for a moment and said, “I don’t like conflict. I cannot see two people fighting, it makes me uncomfortable.

Ok, how does it work in other areas of your life?” I asked.

She responded, “Oh, even at home it bothers me when my husband and my mother-in-law get into arguments. I try to intervene, but it does not help.

Then she smiled and said, “You know what, after some time they both forget about the fight and get along well again. But I am sitting there still bothered about the argument they had.

Readers, a question for you – What seems to be happening with Asha? What should she do to resolve this issue?

Please share your thoughts, comments, and inputs here.

Feel free to share your own experiences too.

#coaching #conflicts #conflictmanagement

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